Covers and Postal History

Lot 188
U.S. 20L8 on cover
Cat. $150

Lot 189
U.S. Lot of 20 stampless covers
Est. $100

Lot 190
U.S. Lot of 20 stampless covers
Est. $100

Lot 191
U.S. Pair of #113 on cover
Cat. $170

Lot 192
U.S. #63, strip of 3 on cover
Cat. $135

Lot 193
U. S. air mail crash cover New York 1942
Est. $95

Lot 194
U. S. air mail crash cover New York 1942
Est. $60

Lot 195
U.S. four fraternal Order Knights of Pythias covers - nice lot
Est. $100

Lot 196
U.S. Lot of 25 covers - worthwhile lot
Est. $100

Lot 197
U.S. Lot of 31 postal stationery
Est. $100

Lot 198
U.S. lot of 26 covers - useful for rates, cancels, etc.
Est. $100
Lot 191
U.S. Pair of #113 on cover
Cat. $170

Lot 199
U.S. lot of 26 covers including Civil War period
Est. $100

Lot 200
U.S. Lot of 20 advertising covers
Est. $80

Lot 201
U.S. Lot of 15 special delivery covers
Est. $60

Lot 202
U.S. Lot of 10 advertising covers - colorful group
Est. $75
Lot 203
U.S. Lot of 20 fancy cancels on cover, including postmaster
Est. $85

Lot 204
U.S. Lot of 75 early covers - worth a careful review
Est. $250
Lot 205
U.S. Lot of 24 hotel advertising covers
Est. $100

Lot 206
U.S. Lot FDCs #704-715, U523, 4, 5, 8,
Cat. $172

Lot 207
U.S. First day covers # 756-765 special printing, in blocks
Cat. $75

Lot 208
China Lot of FDCs
Est. $65

Lot 209
Germany Box of 400+ covers
Est. $400

Lot 210
Sweden Lot of 35 covers
Est. $100

Lot 212
Worldwide Lot of 29 covers, censored, misc. postal markings
Est. $100

Lot 213
Graf Zeppelin covers (2) - Round-the World on post card; transatlantic cover
Est. $85

Lot 214
Great Britain National Army Museum commemorative covers album (60 covers)
Est. $180
Lot 215
Bankers box of worldwide commercial covers, great for rate studies and shows
Est. $150
Lot 216
Bankers box of worldwide commercial covers, great for rate studies and shows
Est. $150